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The Pennsylvania Code

Science and technology. Study of the natural world and facts, principles, theories and laws in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics and earth sciences. Technology is the application of science to enable societal development, including food and fiber production, manufacturing, building, transportation and communication. Science and technology share the use of the senses, science processes, inquiry, investigation, analysis and problem solving strategies.

(a) The primary program shall ordinarily be completed by children who are approximately 8 years of age. School districts shall provide opportunities for individualized rates of learning and social and emotional development that reflect differing rates of development and learning styles of young children.

(b) Curriculum and instruction in the primary program must be standards-based and focus on introducing young children to formal education, developing an awareness of the self in relation to others and the environment, and developing skills of communication, thinking and learning. Literacy skills, including phonemic awareness, phonological awareness, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension and developmental writing will begin in prekindergarten and kindergarten, if offered, and developed appropriately for the primary grade level.

(c) The intermediate level program shall ordinarily be completed by children who are approximately 11 years of age.

(d) Standards-based curriculum and instruction in the intermediate level must enable all students to reach the proficient level on the local assessment system and the Statewide assessment system. Academic standards will guide the focus on learning specific subject matter content.

(e) Planned instruction aligned with academic standards in the following areas shall be provided to every student every year in the primary program. Planned instruction may be provided as separate course or other interdisciplinary activity.

Science and technology education, involving active learning experiences for students.

(f) Planned instruction in the following areas shall be provided to every student every year in the intermediate level program. Planned instruction may be provided as a separate course or as an instructional unit within another course or other interdisciplinary instructional activity:

(3) Science and technology, including instruction about agriculture and agricultural science.

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